The Artist as a migrant: Finding migration experiences
An artist’s journal about migration
Over the years I have created many text sculptures and sculptures that incorporate textual elements. These sculptures start off their lives as spoken stories, life stories, human stories. Through interviewing and workshopping with individuals I have built up an archive of human testimonies: those many individuals had inspiring life stories to share, and represent more than just that individual, but a universal human experience.
I have been especially interested in creating art about disenfranchised communities, and over the years this has led me to talk with migrant workers in Hong Kong, Singapore and China; domestic workers across Asia; prison inmates at Changi prison; Holocaust survivors in America; refugees; those who have lived through unbelievable trauma; those who are lost; and the terminally ill.
In many of the stories that were shared, people had often crossed borders - whether they were geographical, psychological, or metaphorical.
For my current project, I have decided to work with refugees, migrants, and those newcomers who identify as ‘other’ within Ireland, to explore how their identity and sense of place has changed.
The resulting exhibition will open at selected times between 13th - 20th of September 2019 in Dublin. Find out more about the exhibition and all its related events here.
Find out more here about this ‘artist journal’ series of blog posts which aims to give a personal insight into the process of an artist moving country, and being from many places at once.