This is an anonymous story collected from the public as part of THE WOKINGHAM ARC PROJECT. 

I am a second-generation migrant – Jewish German. (An invisible migrant) who looks just British/a Wokinghamite – a professional, a mother and wife, an ageing but active person.

What makes me feel alive in my locale are my friends and family – being part of the community and an active interactor. I love walking in the woods and being on the river – hearing the birds, leaves blowing in the wind.

Home means my house family and friends and activities – as a child it was family as we moved around a lot – ‘professional nomads’ - as was I as an adult, till we settled in Wokingham 40 years ago.

For the future, I wish to remain healthy, active and able to explore. To support my children and grandchildren. I am worried that Wokingham will grow too much.

Because I moved around so much I don’t have many friends from before Wokingham – other than my wider family.  I see my girls benefit from their stable and fixed home life