I am a domestic worker in Singapore

This is an anonymous story collected from the public as part of the Human Archive Project

I started working in Singapore 2012. I worked as a caregiver to an elderly lady 92 years old who was bedridden. At first my employer was very good to me and I thought I am so blessed because I will be working with Christian Family. He is a Pastor in one of the churches here in Singapore and I think the wife has a big role in the Christian community. I loved my work even though it was very tiring and I did not have my own room. I slept with the old lady and needed to watch her 24 hours a day. I was disappointed that they treated us as a slave. We cannot eat their food even grapes it seems like they are counting it. They would give us rotten fruit and one day the son arrived from overseas where he studied, and the brother saw him using our utensils. In front of us he told the brother that must not use that cup that’s the maid's cup its DIRTY! Because I can't control my emotions that time I answered him back and told him if we are dirty remember we are the ones who will prepare your meals.

I lost a lot of weight that time because I didn't have enough rest and food. The husband was Itchy. One time I was going to transfer the old lady from wheelchair to bed but the boss went at my back and hug me tight because I was very scared that time I dropped the old lady, luckily on her bed, and ran out from the room. From then on I was very observant with him. After that if the old lady and I were the only ones in the house and the doorbell rang, when I saw who's outside I opened the door and went straight to our toilet and locked myself there for an hour until I am sure that my co helper is back from the supermarket. After that I decided to look for another family. Thanks God I found an expat family when they confirmed that they will hire me I told my Chinese family that I can't finish my contract anymore, I begged in front of them not to send me back home because I really need to work overseas to provide the needs for my family way back home in the Philippines. And she told me I have to wait because they will find for my replacement so I am confident enough that they will sign my release papers, but unfortunately it was 1:30 in the afternoon when she told me that I need to packed because I needed to be at the airport by 3pm for my flight at 5pm. I cried a lot until I reached my country.

And now I am thankful to God that I came back to a new opportunity, with a good family who treat me well.