I don't want to return to my country it is still dangerous

This is an anonymous story collected from the public as part of the Human Archive Project by Nicola Anthony

My name is Nisan. I came here in 2010, I was very young. Civil war broke out in my country, Nepal. I didn't know anything about Ireland, but some people from my country said “they will send you back” so I lied about my name - but then they found my fingerprints.

I stayed with my friends in an Indian restaurant. In 2016 they found me - I was sent to prison. I was talking with my solicitor and she took me out of prison - I have never done any crimes or anything wrong, I am good person. But after 2016 I was in the system - they asked me for my passport and I did not want to hide any more. I applied for a hostel and they gave me a Mount Trenchard. Because I don't want to lie any more I never miss the signing in, and I use my real name now. We have to sign in to the records every day to show that we have not left.

Now I work in Limerick, I do not get paid but I work in a community cafe twice a week. I'm only a volunteer as I'm not allowed to earn money. I don't want to return to my country it is still dangerous people don't believe me because the war is now not so bad, but my brother was imprisoned in my country, and I left so young that if I come back, I will also be imprisoned. I will be in grave danger.

We have not done anything criminal

This is an anonymous story collected from the public as part of the Human Archive Project by Nicola Anthony

I have been here now for four years eight months in direct provision, in Mount Trenchard.

I have a friend here and I can tell you his story. He is from Iran. My friend he applied for asylum and the Iranian government kept him in prison for one year. In Ireland he has now been kept for 14 months in this open prison called ‘direct provision’. He says “I want to apply somewhere else” it is worse than being in prison, being held here in Direct Provision accommodation, with no way out, such bad conditions, and no means to work, earn, or pay taxes. We want to be part of society, but the direct provision centres are placed outside of villages, far away so we cannot mingle. We are allowed out but we have a curfew. We call it open prison. We have not done anything criminal.