I was honoured to be made a fellow of the Royal Society for Arts earlier this year. RSA is a unique global network of change-makers enabling people, places and the planet to flourish.
It has been incredible and eye-opening to attend lectures at RSA House, and a joy to work on-site at The Strand, London. Some highlights have been a talk by Internationally renowned designer Riccardo Falcinelli on the surprising history of how colour came to define the way we see the world around us, and the RSA President's Lecture in which Sir Peter Bazalgette discussed the current context of the creative industries and the immense potential of the sector to drive transformational change. We learned that the creative sector contributed £109bn to the UK economy in 2021, helping to grow jobs and skills, income and exports, health and happiness, in communities right across the UK. If you are interested, the lecture recording can be watched on youtube here.
My sincere thanks to all the supporters, advocates and mentors who have got me to this point. You’ll find me often working at RSA House on The Strand, London, and I am sure there will be more news on this front in the near future.
Here’s what the RSA say about their mission:
The RSA has been at the forefront of significant social impact for over 260 years. We aim to work on societal challenges, to lead, provoke and drive impact through project work in key areas where Fellows have expertise. Providing platforms, opportunities and networks for all those who share our vision to connect, engage, share ideas and expertise, the RSA unite people and ideas in collective action to create opportunities to regenerate our world.
“Where world-leading ideas are turned into world-changing actions, our vision is a world where everyone can fulfil their potential and contribute to more resilient, rebalanced and regenerative futures.
A proven change process, rigorous research and design skills, innovative ideas platforms and our wider convening power combine to enable the RSA to deliver solutions for lasting change.” - www.thersa.org